Tag Archives | SpecOpShop

SpecOpShop SOUs in LandCamo ABD Patterns

The SpecOpShop SOU (Special Ops Uniform) will be available soon in the LandCamo ABD Patterns. The SOU is now available in a wider array of specialty camo options than any other uniform that I know of. They are available in Woodland Camo, various PenCott Camo patterns, Multicam, 3 Color Desert, A-TACS, and more.


SpecOpShop also recently updated their website to be much more user friendly. Check out SpecOpShop.com.

SpecOpShop Boonie Now Available

SpecOpShop has finalized their design for the previously mentioned SpecOpShop Boonie and it is now available and shipping. The finalized design features para-cord loops for attaching foliage, loop Velcro for attaching IFF, a pocket in the top, side vents, and a removable chin strap. Like all SpecOpShop uniform items it is available in a wide variety of camo patterns including PenCott Greenzone, Badlands, and Sandstorm along with A-TACS FG, Multicam, and many others.

Check out the SpecOpShop Boonie on SpecOpShop.com.

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