Simply Rugged Leather AR-15 Mag Pouch and Dump Pouch

I have been using Rob Leahy’s, the proprietor of Simply Rugged Holsters, leather goods for a long time. Simply Rugged is my go to place for leather holsters and some hard to find patterns for wheelguns like the Ruger Security Six (which reminds me that I need to get an order in for the Security Six that my grandfather gave me). The first thing I ever brought from him was an elegantly simple, super functional bit cover for a tomahawk, so he has a history of making more than just holsters. One of his latest creations certainly fits the “more than just holsters” category.

simply rugged mag pouch and dump pouch

Simply Rugged will be offering AR-15 Mag Pouches and a Dump Pouch that are crafted from leather. Both pouches are belt mounted. The dump pouch uses softer leather for of the pouch to allow the flexibility necessary to hold about a gallon of gear. The top is stiffened with a band of leather to keep it open and allow the user to easily drop in magazines.

The AR-15 magazine pouch and dump pouch are staples of the tactical nylon industry. I think it is very cool to see classic craftsmanship and materials applied like this. Leather may not work for all environments but if properly cared for, these pouches will probably outlast their first owner.

The magazine carriers are already available from Simply Rugged. The dump pouch will be available soon.


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