HSGI’s TACO magazine pouches are already pretty good. I use them on my MOLLE belt so I can switch easily between AKs and ARs without much fuss. These improvements are subtle but welcomed.
From HSGI…
SWANSBORO, NC – 26AUG2014 – High Speed Gear is pleased to announce of an improvement to our TACO® line of pouches. All TACO® pouches that utilize an injected molded bracket will have the following improvements implemented.
- Each bracket is now 1/8th inch longer creating higher feed ramps for easier indexing and reinsertion of magazines.
- Increased the size of and beveled the eye hole for easier tension adjustment.
- Adjusted the proportion of all edges and corners
The bracket is one of the most crucial and unique parts of our TACO® pouches. It keeps the pouch open when empty and allows the user to index magazines for easy reinsertion. By improving the bracket, it will allow for improved performance. Implementation was made across the board and the polymer material utilized retains the same strength as previous versions.
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