Cool Guy LPK from Weapon Outfitters

During the height of the Great Panic Buy of 2013, when lower parts kits (LPK) were hard to find, I wrote about assembling your own lower parts kit with premium parts. It made sense then because you could more easily find the individual premium parts than the full kits and it still makes sense because many shooters end up replacing most of the components of an LPK with premium parts anyway.


Weapon Outfitters has made it even easier to build your own LPK with the introduction of their Cool Guy LPK. It’s basically a lower parts kit that you can accessorize however you see fit by choosing various parts from Weapon Outfitter’s inventory. If you know you are going to upgrade your trigger, grip, selector from the get go, this may be the way to go.

Check out the Cool Guy LPK at Weapon Outfitters.

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