Most readers of this blog probably have many solid habits, including never leaving the house without some essential tools. This is often referred to as an “every day carry” (EDC) kit and the contents vary based on the needs and skills of the individual. I think it is safe to assume that most would consider a knife and flashlight as foundational tools which should never be left behind.
If you want to be prepared to help in a sudden emergency, you will have to have your EDC tools immediately available upon your person. Just like a firearm in the truck will do you no good during a business hold up, a knife at home will not help you when you need it out on the road. A recent tragic accident that I happened to run across in some news really drives home this point.
A semi truck driver did not see cars stopped in road construction traffic in time to react and he crashed into several vehicles, causing one to catch fire. This vehicle was occupied by a mother, father, and 3 year old girl. The father was able to free himself and good Samaritans were able to free the mother, who was on fire, although she ended up perishing on the scene.
According to witnesses interviewed in the video portion attached to this story, no one on the scene had a knife with them to cut the burning toddler out of her car seat straps. She also perished at the scene. My point is not to judge anyone present and we will never know if a rescuer with a knife could have changed the outcome of this tragedy. I just know that if I am ever confronted with a tragedy like that I would be sick if I was unprepared and missing what should be an essential part of my kit.
Resolve with yourself to never be out and about without basic essential tools. The life saved one day maybe your own or it maybe that of a stranger. Regardless, anyone who is properly equipped and has the mindset of a sheep dog should faithfully exercise the basic responsibility to be prepared.
Great admonition to us.
Wow! Feels like I’m reading the bad ending to a story I was involved in earlier this year. Returning from the range I was one of the first cars to stop and respond to an overturned SUV with gas pouring out of the tank and pooling in the concave portion of the ceiling, just under 3 babies in carseats hanging upside down. I was the only person on the scene with a knife – luckily as I shimmied my 6’3″ / 285# frame through the broken rear window, I found my knife clipped in its “instintive carry” position on my jeans pocket and as it was an assisted opening Kershaw, I was able to deploy it and put it into use one-handed. The baby seats were removed with the babies inside and taken back for safety. That’s when I saw the driver, the father, who had been ejected from the vehicle and layed 50 feet away in a drainage ditch.
Everyone involved recovered fully and I have never been more thankful for a clipped, assisted-opening knife.