Sneak Peek: Forward Control Designs ABC/R v2

Forward Controls Design is working on a new version of their Augmented Bolt Catch/Release (ABC/R). The new ABC/R v2 will feature a thinner, tapered upper paddle instead of the lightening cuts found on the original ABR/R.

This change will cut weight where it counts the most on a bolt catch. Before someone pitches a hissy fit about how lightweight AR accessories are out of control… It is important to keep any additional weight on the bolt catch to minimum. Additional weight on the paddle can cause reliability issues like the bolt locking back before the magazine is empty. I’ve seen these malfunctions caused by a number of aftermarket products that attach to the bolt release.

One Response to Sneak Peek: Forward Control Designs ABC/R v2

  1. TennTexan April 10, 2017 at 13:24 #

    One potential benefit I can see from this “lightweight” design is for the Rube Goldberg device that is the QC10 bolt hold open mechanism for their Glock mag lowers. Lighter bolt catch = easier for the follower to lift it.

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