AlphaOneNiner RECON ONE on Kickstarter


AlpaOneNiner is trying to get a very, very slick bag called the RECON ONE off the ground on Kickstarter. The RECON ONE is a bag designed to carry a large tablet like the Apple iPad. It features mil-spec materials used in the construction throughout and various organization features that make it well suited for travel and EDC.

The RECON ONE also has one very innovative feature that really sets it apart – a removable tablet caddy/organizer. The removable tablet caddy/organizer sits in the interior of the RECON ONE where it serves as organization for the entire bag but when you need a portable work station, the insert can be removed and attached to an airplane seat back.

Check out the AlphaOneNiner Kickstarter Page for more details.

RECON ONE Interior


One Response to AlphaOneNiner RECON ONE on Kickstarter

  1. Ed January 31, 2013 at 15:28 #

    I backed it. It looks like a great well thought out bag.

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