Just Announced: The Izula-II from ESEE Knives


ESEE Knives introduced a new version of their excellent Izula. The Izula-II will have essentially the same blade as the original Izula but it will feature a handle that is 1/2″ longer. It will come with removeable, full coverage canvas micarta scales. I have found the micarta scales on the original Izula to be a must-have.

Artist renderings of the Izula-II. The product version may vary slightly.

The Izula II should be on dealer shelves in 6-8 weeks. You can read more about the Izula-II on the ESEE Knives Forum at Bladeforums.

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  1. ESEE Izula-II: The Wait is Almost Over « Jerking the Trigger - October 18, 2010

    […] October 18, 2010 ESEE Izula-II: The Wait is Almost Over Posted by matthewdanger under Uncategorized Leave a Comment  ESEE recently announced that the Izula-II will be shipping to dealers this week! You can read more about this new version of the Izula in my previous post about the Izula-II. […]

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